Part 53: Tyria's Binary Field, Part 2a
Once again Aoto entered Tyrias Binary Field, hoping this time to work around the event that crashed him out last time.Video Record- Tyria 2a

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This time he found himself at the Kurogane Lab.

I can still remember the last Dive. Now's my only chance.
The only thing I can do before people think I just woke up from a nightmare is...
Dont know why he thought this was a good idea but I guess he was going with just doing the opposite of what he did last time.

I'll tell her everything. I think that's the best thing to do!
So yeah he went to Tyrias place still dressed as Aoto.

(...But, what should I say?)
(The only thing I can tell her is that Kurogane is gonna commit suicide...)
(Besides, I don't think she'll believe me if I tell her that.)

Well, I better go home for now.
So yeah, he rushed home to change. Still, its funny how a place like this responds to your intentions, so maybe it was important that he cared enough to rush off without thinking.

Pocco: Masakado, where did you go off to so early?

Pocco: Bff!? Hahahahahaha!
Pudding: Pocco, don't laugh so loud this early in the morning. The neighbors will complain...

Pudding: ...What's going on?
Mimi: M-Masakado, you...didn't go out in that costume...did you?

Pudding: I can't believe anyone would walk around in that costume.
Mimi: None of our neighbors have seen you, right? If they catch you, it'll spread all over town by the end of the day.
Pocco: Ngh...well, on top of that...this is hilarious! Aoto, you're such a hoot! ...You're killing me here!

For me, this is a normal outfit! Don't you think it's a little rude to make fun of it?
Pudding: A normal outfit!? Do you seriously think you can pass that off as normal?

Mimi: ...He started talking about his "I'm an alien" theory.
Pocco: Did he hit his head on something, or was he brainwashed by some cult?

They decided to settle this the only way possible.

Pudding: I took a photo of your silly costume and sent it to Tyria.
I'm gonna let Tyria judge whether it's hip to wear that outfit, assuming that it is your regular attire.

Pudding: Oh, I already received her reply. Hmm, what did she say?

Mimi: Oh...Masakado, what are you gonna do now?

He went to meet up with her, much like last time.

At least this time he knew what was going on.

(Well, I mean, why was I running around town this morning wearing heavy armor?)
(Am I really mentally tired...?)
Well, I can sometimes handle things while being half asleep, but I admit that today I may have crossed the line.
But I'm fine now. I'll protect you, Tyria. Don't worry.

(Damn it, I shouldn't say stuff like that or she'll think I'm a weirdo. I gotta find a way out of this.)
Actually, I had a dream in which you were attacked.

Masakado, are you really okay? Do you have a fever or something?

He ended up getting to about the same point here, the story does have a lot of inertia after all.

Otherwise, when you are defeated, I won't be able to remain calm and defend myself.

Don't be hurt by that. Fight!

Even if your client isn't attacked very frequently, being a bodyguard is tiring enough as it is.

He came up with another way he could deviate from the previous path here, and took it.

Did you know that because we're always together, they think we're a couple?

(Since I had to say goodbye to her in such a sad way last time, I want to be as good a friend to her as possible.)
(Plus, we've been together for a long time. It'd be sad if we were nothing more than business partners...)

Sure. We may be friends, so that is not a lie.

(I was afraid she'd deny that, but she seems to have recognized at least that much intimacy between us.)
There was a whole bunch of stuff with Sake and Finelle that was exactly the same as last time before they went to class. Im just going to skip over it because it wasnt that interesting the first time, let alone in reruns.

(I talked to Sake and Finelle at the front gate. I have no idea what the teacher is saying...)
(At least that F-Student redemption printout wasn't that hard. I still remembered all the answers!)
(Alright...I'm gonna play hooky.)
Ria, I don't feel like I'm at my best yet. Sorry, but I'm gonna skip the afternoon classes.

He snuck out again, delinquent that he is. At this point he was in a sort of awkward position because he didnt remember being Aoto but did remember what was going to happen.

...Speaking of which, this is my second time experiencing today.
So, why am I so calm, like everything's normal? Well, I think I know the reason this is happening...
No, I can't remember. Maybe I should consult the pro of alternative worlds.
So he headed to the shrine to find Kokona.

I guess they were helpful. Sort of.

Nam: Hey, you over there.
Who are you, young man?

Nam: ...Huh? What are you mumbling about?

How did you know my name was Tatsumina no Mikoto Kokona!?

Nam: ...Fellow, what are you saying? You definitely carry an otherworldly air about you. You are quite peculiar.

I heard there was a shaman who's familiar with other worlds at this shrine.

Oh, yeah! This should be the best way to show you.
Actually, I came from the future. Explain to me what that means!

He actually had a pretty good way to prove that he was from the future, though.

...I see. So, Masakado, you have all the memories of the period of time leading up to when Tyria became the Tower.

Nam: I would reckon the statement, "I came from the future," isn't quite accurate.
Yet, now that you've proven to us that you know the secrets of our shrine, your story is worth listening to.

But you're such a lucky man.

Nam: You know what's going to happen in the near future, for a while at least.
And if there's something that you don't want to happen, you can prevent it, all by yourself.

Nam: See? You are a lucky man.

Nam: The door or hole to another world suddenly opened, you fell inside it by mistake, and ended up here in the past.
Knowing the reason why wouldn't put food on the table, so you should just rejoice in your opportunity.

They did have a decently useful warning for him.

Nam: If you live a normal life, there's no way to return to the past unless you've got a car with gull wings.
The same phenomenon, which goes against the laws of physics, may happen again...
Uh, in your mind, of course.

Nam: Exactly. But things don't always happen as you expect them to. Keep that in mind.

Nam: That's probably the best attitude. No matter how complicated you think things are, human abilities are quite limited.

You can avoid bad events, escape the stuff you don't wanna do, and use that time for something else.
You could even win the lottery or bet on some horse races. Alright, it's time to make a donation! Lavish us!

His card was rejected again.

Nam: That means, your condition hasn't been met yet.

Anyway, if I need your help again, I'll just come back.

Aoto returned to the downtown as last time.

Once again he picked up some lunch.

Alright, I got me some lunch!
Now I should
This time he actually could think of something he should be doing.

Maybe I should buy something for her.
He returned to school, dessert in hand.

For a bit now things went just like last time.

Once again they ate outside.

...That was a weird announcement to have during lunch. Maybe the teachers found out you played hooky.

I know I told you to skip the morning class, but I didn't think you would skip all of the morning classes.

I thought the classroom would be safe, but now that I think about it, that was a little dangerous.
Of course this time he knew itd be safe.

But, do you really think I'm reliable?

You were acting weird this morning, but I'm glad you've settled back to normal.

Then, I won't fail to meet your expectations.

This time, though, he actually could.

I don't think you're in good shape yet. Do you want to skip the afternoon classes, too?

(...She didn't believe me. Uhhh...this sucks...)
The rest of the time at school went pretty much the same.

Including the same lame cover story.

Oh, we have to go. See you tomorrow.

Anyway, they headed to the Lab.

For a while that went the exact same way too.

I'm sure Kurogane's there, waiting for me.

Aoto continued to note how weirdly close Tyria and the Chairman were.

Even though she comes to the Lab every day, she only sees him maybe once every few months.
However, something links them together that makes up for their infrequent meetings.
Their conversations. When she enters the Sonic Room, Kurogane directs her from the Operation Room.
That is the extent of their relationship as far as Masakado can tell.
Tyria, however, trusts Kurogane implicitly.

Fine. I'll just go to the Nap Room.
???: No, you have a far more important task right now.

And once again the Vice Chairman came to tell him he could go home.

What's this important task? Do you need me to guard someone else?

She trusts you. That's why she wants you to always be in top form.
You wouldn't want her to get injured because you aren't well-rested, do you?

So go home today and get a lot of rest.

The Vice Chairman once again wanted him to do something.

(But I think they'll be able to find her without my help. I'll just go home.)
Sorry, but I really should go straight home and rest as you said, so...

This time he decided to just go home.

The Hyumas were surprised to see him home so early.

Pocco: Oh, you're back already!
Mimi: You're early today. Did you get in a fight with Tyria and leave without her?

Pudding: It's still cooking. You should've called if you knew you were coming home early. It's common courtesy.

Whew. I'm stuffed.
Pocco: You're so impolite, Masakado. You should say, "Thank you for the meal!"
Pudding: Forget it. I wouldn't expect that from him.

Pudding: W-well, you're supposed to say it before we have to tell you, y'know?

Mimi: Oh, we have a guest. This is rare.
He too had a surprise in store for him. This was where the plot really began to diverge from what had really happened.

I brought you something.
Medi: How ya feeling, Masakado?

Medi: That's right. Pleased to see you again.
The Hyuma, Medi, has been unlocked!

Medi: Masakado, you're supposed to protect Tyria. Let me take care of you until you're all better.

Indeed what Aoto did next was a massive divergence from the actual past.

It hasn't been officially decided, but I'm sure you'll become the Tower soon.
After that, we won't be able to go out anymore. So, maybe before then...

And plus, that way we'll stay motivated.

Okay, then for the next holiday, I won't make any plans.
You must pick where we go.

When you start breaking a story is when things start to get weird.

Mimi: Yep, it's a date.
Pudding: A date.

I dont know what else you call something like that.

Anyway they got together a few days later.

So they went down to the pool.

Aoto was sure he knew what was going on, but then again Aotos a moron.

I'll prove it to you right now!

Tyria could swim incredibly well, in fact.

(Since she got in the water, she's been constantly swimming without taking a break.)
(...I was actually excited that I might be able to teach her how to swim.)
Alright, it's literally time to sink or swim! Let's race!

This can't be...
(I tried to change the outcome of my fate, but I ended up drowning to death!?)
This is so stupid!
For a moment he was pretty sure he was dead.

(Something got in my mouth...)
(Some sticky stuff's plugging up my mouth. What is this...?)
*cough* *cough* *cough*

When he opened his eyes Tyria was there.

Oh yeah, I jumped into the pool, got a leg cramp, and...

Did I really stop breathing?

I felt a lot of air coming into my mouth, and...
(After that, some sticky stuff came and plugged up my mouth, and then air flowed in.)
(And when I opened my eyes, Tyria's face was right in front of me...)
He eventually put two and two together.

...She's gone. She looked awkward, in a hurry. She really must have...
Poemy: Hehehe. That's right. That's what happened.

Poemy: Hmm...that was a quite a spectacle.

Poemy: Just another Hyuma? What kind of greeting is that!? Despite my looks, I'm the lifeguard of this swimming pool.

Poemy: I'm a very competent lifeguard.
But I've never seen a human stop breathing, so I was a little scared and couldn't move.
Aoto wasnt exactly impressed by the Hyuma lifeguard.

Poemy: I know, but my body wouldn't stop shivering...
So, when I saw that young lady breathe air into your mouth, I sort of lost my confidence.

Poemy: You don't have to finish that question. I'm embarrassed, too.

Poemy: I'm the one who's supposed to save you, but I couldn't do anything...
This really hurt my pride.
So, until I find a new job, I'm going to have to help you out at home.

Poemy: It's all your fault that I lost my dignity.

Poemy: That's right. Please take care of me for a while.
The Hyuma, Poemy, has been unlocked.
Aoto met back up with Tyria afterwards.

I'm really sorry for being such a helpless bodyguard.

You're the bodyguard that I place all my faith in.

We had some trouble, but even including all that, today was a great day... And it's all because of you.
Thank you, Masakado. If we have another chance to go out together, I want you to take me somewhere else.

Let's definitely go out to have fun again!

Things were quite a bit different now. Aoto would just have to wait and see if it would impact the conclusion.